среда, 18 декабря 2013 г.

War Thunder: System development in 1.37

The new system development, which we introduced earlier, has changed significantly.

The new system development, which we introduced earlier, has changed significantly. We spent several open test, listen your opinions about the new system and have made improvements and bug fixes. These changes solve tasks for the new system of player development: firstly, motivate the player to fly on different planes at different levels and nations, and secondly, all players put on an equal footing when learning new pieces of equipment. However, changes in the community consider wishes War Thunder and make the system more understandable development.

The basic principle of the new system development remains the same: to open the plane, the player earns points research on other airplanes, studying both the modification of the current machine, and selected for the study of the plane.

What do I need to buy a new aircraft? Consider the example of American fighter F4U-1d Corsair III Grade. To get it, you need:

1. Unlock rank to which it belongs plane , opening and bought several planes from the previous rank. In this example, the F4U-1d belongs to the III rank , which means that before we can use it , you must open three aircraft grade II . Let it be F4U-1a and F6F-3a of the same branch and premiumnyh A6M2.

2 . Before you fly on F4U-1d, will need to explore the plane itself , among others by its open and accessible for research machines. This process is similar to getting a new module to the already open plane, but points to explore the chosen aircraft will accumulate when playing on any technique that nation . Fly any aircraft nation - open that airplane that is needed . The profile of each aircraft in the development branch have a recommendation for the development of any rank this machine is most suitable .

All this means that the resulting pilot for successful actions in combat Points research is now at the same time opens up access to new modifications of the machine on which it is flying at the moment, getting closer and another aircraft on the player's choice .

We would like to make the transition to the new pumping system as painless as possible for both beginners and experienced pilots , so all achievements acquired aircraft modifications, etc. will be saved for players to update 1.37.

3 . Earned enough points to explore research aircraft ? Excellent ! Buy it - and fight !

Now tezisno of changes :

Modifications pumping speed

To open a new aircraft do not need to have to learn a certain number of modifications to the previous machine. New aircraft are studied by fighting on any aircraft , but the most efficient technique to investigate the fighting on the technique of the same or similar rank. A nice bonus - for the study of all modifications in each stage the player receives an additional bonus points of the study ( total bonus can make a significant part of the study , therefore more profitable to fight on different techniques , not the same ) .

Continuing development lines

In the study of the following aircraft in the lineup, earn points in the previous studies in this series aircraft - it will give a nice bonus to current research ! For example, if you earn Olympics opening Soviet La-5F fighter in the previous line " shops " - La-5, the player will receive a noticeable difference in the speed of research.

Personal contribution to the outcome of the battle

The award, which the player gets points research largely depends on the efficiency of the player on the battlefield. Even if the team played poorly , competent pilot will always receive a greater reward than his fellows . On average , the number of research points to the player's actions on the battlefield 2-2.5 times award from destroyed in battle targets! Of course, to evaluate the combat effectiveness of each player can only be at the end of the battle , so pilots who go out of session until the end of the mission , get a subtotal - both in silver lions and glasses study. The final figure depends on many factors - a game mode , winning or losing team , combat effectiveness and active players in the field, a premium - account and a bonus for the first fight.

Let's look at some examples. For illustration, we use an interface test version War Thunder, where you can see the subtotal points earned in battle study. So the first example : the defeat and withdrawal from action without waiting for the session.

In the RB our " donkey " first rank destroyed one aerial target , one ground and showed low to medium-altitude fighter in combat activity , conducted in an area of intense fighting almost three minutes. As we see, the battle is a subtotal of 150 research points . However, combat effectiveness and team bonus at the intermediate stage it is impossible to calculate - it needs to fight over. Complete information we receive after the fight - despite the defeat, we were able to earn 610 points of the study.

Example Two . Winning the RB mode .

Our " Henkel " worked well : two enemy aircraft , six ground targets with very high efficiency. However, if we leave the fight to the end , we see that the number of research points is small - only 221. But the results of our battlefield achievements and contribution to the winning team were appreciated - we got almost 3,000 research points ! This is a great result for the plane of the first rank .

Thus, the interim results of the battle is not always informative - in future versions 1.37 interim results of early retirement from the battle will be removed and will be charged only on the result of the battle. But now you know that your actions directly affect not only the result of the command , but the rate of new modules and research aircraft.